Russel Ocampo

Practical life applications from Biblical truths.

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Wednesday Apr 10, 2024

Daily Devotions #101: Obedience Requires Sacrifice
Scripture: Genesis 6:22
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👨‍💻 Teaching: 1. Obedience is based on faith in God. 2. Obedience requires sacrifice and commitment.3. Obedience is tested through time.  
💪 Application:1. Commit our lives for God’s purpose.2. Sacrifice comfort in order to fulfill God’s will. 3. Obey and endure the test of time.  
🎙Discussion:How can we practically sacrifice comfort in order to do God’s will?
🙏 Prayer:Lord, thank You because there is something bigger than my life. I have a greater mission in life. You have a purpose for my life. You have a mission for me to fulfill. Please, Lord, reveal Your plan to me. Give me direction. Tell me what to do and grant me the courage and strength to obey. Sometimes it is hard to follow Your instructions. So, Lord, grant me the commitment to follow You even to the point of setting aside my personal comfort just to obey You. Just like Noah, may I find favor in Your eyes. May my life be pleasing to You.  In Jesus’ name, amen!

Tuesday Apr 09, 2024

Daily Devotions #100: Be Doers of the Word
Scripture: James 1:22-25
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👨‍💻 Teaching: 1. God requires us to be both searchers and doers of the word. 2. Searching without action is self-deception.3. God blesses those who obey. 
💪 Application:1. Be intentional in searching and obeying.2. Face the mirror with the readiness to remove our impurities.3. Obey even when it is hard to obey knowing that there is a blessing in obedience. 
🎙Discussion:If you would face the mirror of God’s Word right now, what would you see? 
🙏 Prayer:Lord God, thank You for Your Word, where I can see my true reflection. Please make me willing to remove every impurity I see in myself. Grant me the courage to obey, especially in times when it is hard to do so. I believe that the harder it is to obey, the greater the blessing. I praise You because You want the best for me. You desire to transform me into the likeness of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Continue to sanctify me through Your Word. In Jesus’ name, amen!

Monday Apr 08, 2024

Season 2.2: Knowing God
Episode 29: The God Who is Omnipotent | Mark 4:39
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👨‍💻 Teaching: 1. Jesus had a perfect sleep because He has a perfect power. 2. Jesus only needed to speak to calm the storm. 3. The disciples had all the reasons to be fearless. 4. Fear is the opposite of faith. 
💪 Application:1. Show your faith by being fearless. 2. Believe that God is in control. 3. Trust God even when the boat sinks. 4. Be still in the arms of the omnipotent God. 
🎙Discussion:How does God’s omnipotence affect our attitude, behavior, and perspective in life?
🙏 Prayer:Lord, I realize that I have all the reasons in the world to be calm and peaceful. In Your hands I can sleep well even in the midst of danger. Teach me to be fearless. Enable me to trust You completely even when the boat sinks. Increase my faith knowing that You are in absolute control over everything. 

Monday Apr 08, 2024

Daily Devotions #99: Love for Jesus is the Reason for Obedience
Scripture: John 14:15
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👨‍💻 Teaching: 1. Love for Jesus is the motivation for obedience.2. Obedience is the evidence of love for God.3. God’s love binds the church together.
💪 Application:1. Obey from the heart. 2. Prove our love for God through obedience.3. Promote love and unity in the body of Christ. 
🎙Discussion:How can we ensure that our love for Jesus becomes our primary motivation for obeying Him?
🙏 Prayer:Lord God, thank You for reminding me that love for You is the main reason for obedience. Forgive me for failing to obey You from the heart so many times. Please teach me to live a life of obedience while also helping me cultivate a heart that beats for You. Let me love You with all my heart. I also pray that You will use me as an instrument for promoting love and unity in the body of Christ. I pray this in Jesus’ name, amen!

Sunday Apr 07, 2024

Daily Devotions #98: Have a Real Connection with God
Scripture: Mark 5:25-34
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👨‍💻 Teaching: 1. Hopelessness leads us to God.2. Faith is the conduit between us and God.3. God’s presence is meant to be experienced.
💪 Application:1. Do not hope in people and wealth.2. Receive an outflow of Christ’s power. 3. Experience the reality of God’s presence. 
🎙Discussion:How did you experience God recently? 
🙏 Prayer:Heavenly Father, teach me not to place my hope in people or wealth. Instead, help me to trust in You completely. I know that You desire for me to seek Your power and presence. I believe in You. If my faith is lacking, please increase my faith so that Your power may flow through me. Let me experience You. It is my desire to dwell in Your presence and to enjoy fellowship with You. I ask this in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, amen!

Saturday Apr 06, 2024

Daily Devotions #97: God’s Promises Do Not Fail
Scripture: 1 Kings 17:8-16
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📖 Scripture: 1 Kings 17:8-16
👨‍💻 Teaching: 1. God's promise does not fail those who believe. 2. God turns our misery into miracles. 3. God's provision is always sufficient. 
💪 Application:1. Pour out our hope in God. 2. Turn our tests into testimonies. 3. Be content and joyful with God's provision. 
🎙Discussion:Since God's provision is always enough, how does this truth affect our faith? 
🙏 Prayer:Lord, it is clear in the Bible that You will not fail those who put their trust in You. So please help me to keep hoping in Your promises. I believe that Your provision is always sufficient. Let me trust You. I pray that my life will become a living testimony of Your wonderful works. May the people around me witness how You have blessed me. May I be careful always to give glory to You. May Your name be praised, worshipped, and adored. In Jesus' name, amen!

Friday Apr 05, 2024

Daily Devotions #96: God’s Character is God’s Promise
Scripture: Deuteronomy 7:9
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👨‍💻 Teaching: 1. God’s greatest promise is His character. 2. God is faithful. 3. God keeps his covenant of love. 
💪 Application:1. Know who God is in the Bible.2. Love God by keeping His commandments.3. Influence a thousand generations. 🎙Discussion:Are you becoming an inspiring Christian to the next generation?
🙏 Prayer:Heavenly Father, You are my faithful God. Your faithfulness is enough for me to trust You completely. You keep Your promises and covenant of love to those who love and obey You. Lord, please allow me to be a model to my children and those around me. You have called me to be salt and light, to positively influence people for Your glory. So Lord, please use my life so that those around me may see Jesus in me. I pray this in the precious name of Jesus, amen!

Friday Apr 05, 2024

Season 2.2: Knowing God
Episode 28: The God Who is Omnipresent | Jeremiah 23:23-23
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👨‍💻 Teaching: 1. God is eyewitness to all our actions.2. Nothing is hidden from God. 3. The universe is in God’s presence. 4. God is always ready to execute the consequences of our actions.  
💪 Application:1. Do the right thing with the right motive. 2. Live in the Coram Deo. 3. Act according to God’s consequences. 4. Aim to glorify God at all times. 
🎙Discussion:As Christians, why do we need to practice the presence of God?  
🙏 Prayer:Lord, I know You are here right beside me as I am in Your presence. I know You are watching me right now. Please help me live a godly life—A life that honors You in all I think, say, and do. Enable me to live in the Coram Deo. 

Thursday Apr 04, 2024

Daily Devotions #95: Trust God for He is Able
Scripture: Romans 4:18-21
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👨‍💻 Teaching: 1. There is hope when there is no hope. 2. Faith waits on God while doubt does not. 3. God is able to fulfill His promises. 
💪 Application:1. Hope in God’s promises.2. Believe, wait, and glorify God.3. Take God’s character as God’s promise.
🎙Discussion:Why do we have to trust God’s character as His promise? 
🙏 Prayer:Heavenly Father, I believe in You. I trust that You are able to fulfill Your promises. I also trust that Your wisdom is far above mine. You fulfill Your promises according to Your way and timing, deciding things according to Your infinite wisdom and eternal plan. Knowing that You are faithful to Your word is enough for me. I will continue to trust You. Please help me to believe, wait, and glorify You. I pray this in Jesus’ name, amen!

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024

Daily Devotions #94 When God Seems So Silent
Scripture: Psalm 42:11
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👨‍💻 Teaching: 1. God's silence provides us a test. 2. God's silence teaches us trust. 3. God's silence gives us thirst. 
💪 Application:1. Seek God as the deer thirsts for water. 2. Trust God's presence even in His silence. 3. Hope in God and let the test turn into praise. 
🎙Discussion:What should we do when God seems silent?
🙏 Prayer:Heavenly Father, thank You for teaching me to trust You even when You are silent. May I seek You and find You with all my heart. Let those around me witness that my God is alive and active in my life. Prevent them from asking, “Where is your God?” by showering me with Your blessings and grace. May those around me put their trust in You, for You are worthy of service and worship. I pray this in Jesus’ name, amen!

S02E27: The God Who is Omniscient

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024

Season 2.2: Knowing God
Episode 22: The God Who Loves | Matthew 10:29-31
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👨‍💻 Teaching: 1. God knows every detail in the whole universe. 2. God knows every event in the whole universe. 3. God knows everything about us.  
💪 Application:1. Do not be afraid. 2. Consider our value.3. Serve God and let God take care of us. 
🎙Discussion:Why is it comforting to know that God knows every detail and every event in our lives?  
🙏 Prayer:Lord, it is my desire to honor and serve You. Please give me enough faith to serve You and prioritize You even though hardships may come my way. Help me to trust You knowing that You know everything about me. 

Tuesday Apr 02, 2024

Daily Devotions #93: God is Faithful
Scripture: Hebrews 10:23
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👨‍💻 Teaching: 1. Our God is faithful. 2. Our faith in God must be unwavering. 3. Our hope is based on God's unchanging character.  
💪 Application:1. Trust God's promises and faithfulness.2. Take uncertainty as an opportunity of faith. 3. Testify to God's unchanging character. 
🎙Discussion:How does the faithfulness of God impact our faith?
🙏 Prayer:Lord God, forgive me because sometimes I fail to put my trust in You. I praise You because You are faithful. You do not change. You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. You are completely reliable and trustworthy. The God revealed in the Bible is the same God today. I know You are faithful, and I will put my trust in You. Please continue to reveal Yourself to me and help me to act accordingly. In Jesus' name, amen!

Monday Apr 01, 2024

Daily Devotions #92: Endurance in Faith
Scripture: Hebrews 10:36
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👨‍💻 Teaching: 1. Christian life is not a walk in the park. 2. Christians need to persevere even through suffering.3. Doing the will of God is the means to receive God's promises.  
💪 Application:1. Expect trials in life. 2. Get ready to persevere. 3. Do the will of God and receive His promises.   
🎙Discussion:Why is doing the will of God the means to receive His promises?
🙏 Prayer:Heavenly Father, I know for sure that I am not exempt from experiencing hardships. Since Jesus, the Son of God, experienced all sorts of pain, who am I not to experience the same? Therefore, grant me the strength to overcome all the trials that come my way. Grant me perseverance to endure. Help me thrive. Let me soar on wings like eagles. Enable me to obey You so that when I have done Your will, I may receive Your promises. Thank You, Lord, because whatever happens, I know You are with me. You will never leave me nor forsake me. I pray this in Jesus' name, amen!

S02E26: The God Who Cares

Monday Apr 01, 2024

Monday Apr 01, 2024

Season 2.2: Knowing God
Episode 22: The God Who Cares | 1 Peter 5:7
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👨‍💻 Teaching: 1. Casting means placing the burden on God. 2. Anxiety means worries or division of the mind.3. God wants us to have a worry-free life not a problem-free life. 4. God promised that He cares.   
💪 Application:1. Place our burdens on God.2. Do not worry because worrying is a sin. 3. Do not expect a problem-free life. 4. Trust God’s promise that He cares. 
🎙Discussion:Why is it important to have a worry-free life?
🙏 Prayer:Lord, I believe You do not want me to have a problem-free life but rather a worry-free life. Help me to trust You and believe with all my heart that You care for me. 

Sunday Mar 31, 2024

Daily Devotions #91: First Resurrection Sunday
Scripture: John 20:11-12
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👨‍💻Teaching: 1. The Resurrection Sunday fulfills the mercy seat of God. 2. The resurrection of Jesus is humanity’s “return ticket” to the presence of God. 3. The Resurrection Sunday is the main reason we gather on Sundays.
💪 Application:1. Approach the throne of God with confidence. 2. Practice the presence of God as formula for life. 3. Commit to gather with fellow Christians on Sundays. (cf: Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 16:2)
🎙Discussion:How does the resurrection of Jesus impact your life?
🙏 Prayer:Lord Jesus, You are my Great High Priest. You were crucified, died, and were buried. On the third day, You resurrected from the dead. Your resurrection is the reason I can approach the throne of grace—the mercy seat of God—to receive mercy and grace in times of need. Thank You because I am now reconciled back to God. I pray that God’s Holy Spirit will enable me to practice the presence of God in every situation of my life. Let me be aware of Your presence at all times. I pray this in Your mighty name, amen!





Russel Ocampo is a Bible teacher, vlogger, and theologian. He engages social media to advance the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) of Jesus so that many citizens of the world will become citizens of the Kingdom of God. He believes that all of creation is being reconciled back to God until the world becomes fully restored (Col. 1:20).


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