Sunday Mar 31, 2024
Sunday Mar 31, 2024
Special Lenten Devotion #5: The Triumph
Scripture: John 11:25
Video: https://youtu.be/kRKiDTik43c
For MORE Biblical teachings, please subscribe to the Youtube Channel...
Youtube Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/RusselOcampo
For questions and comments, please email me:
Email: p.russel.ocampo@gmail.comWebsite: https://www.redeemer.world
👨💻 Teaching: 1. The resurrection gives us an assurance of eternal life. 2. The resurrection takes away our fear of death. 3. The resurrection puts meaning into our existence.
💪 Application:1. Invest in eternity. 2. Give yourself fully to the work of the Lord. 3. Live a meaningful life.
🎙Discussion:What would you do differently knowing that Jesus resurrected from the dead?
🙏 Prayer:Lord, I praise You because You conquered the grave. You are victorious. Because of Your resurrection, I can give myself fully to Your work. Knowing that my labor is not in vain. Thank You, Lord!
Saturday Mar 30, 2024
Saturday Mar 30, 2024
Daily Devotions #90: The Extraordinary Faith of a Thief
Scripture: Luke 23:39-43
Video: https://youtu.be/7bOfDIFgZkM
For MORE Biblical teachings, please subscribe to the Youtube Channel...
Youtube Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/RusselOcampo
For questions and comments, please email me:
Email: p.russel.ocampo@gmail.comWebsite: https://www.redeemer.world
👨💻 Teaching: 1. The thief understands justice. 2. The grace of God is meant only for sinners.3. The thief shows an extraordinary faith in Jesus.
💪 Application:1. Understand God’s holiness.2. Acknowledge that we are sinners before our Holy God. 3. Show an extraordinary faith in Jesus.
🎙Discussion:In what way we can show an extraordinary faith in Jesus?
🙏 Prayer:Holy God, You are holy and righteous. I acknowledge that I cannot come to You and be with You unless I have the perfection of Jesus. Thank you for Your grace, counting me righteous because of the cleansing blood of Jesus. Lord, please increase my faith so that I may see beyond what the natural eyes can perceive. Help me recognize Your power and authority over all things. Enable me to demonstrate extraordinary faith in You. I pray this in Jesus’ name, amen!
Saturday Mar 30, 2024
Saturday Mar 30, 2024
Special Lenten Devotion #4: The Silence
Scripture: 1 Peter 3:19
Video: https://youtu.be/4FjZ7KHGCf4
For MORE Biblical teachings, please subscribe to the Youtube Channel...
Youtube Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/RusselOcampo
For questions and comments, please email me:
Email: p.russel.ocampo@gmail.comWebsite: https://www.redeemer.world
👨💻 Teaching: 1. Jesus is victorious over sin, death, and Satan. 2. We are free from the power of sin, death, and Satan.
💪 Application:1. Do not be afraid of death and Satan. 2. Live a redeemed life.
🎙Discussion:Why should we not be afraid of sickness, death, and Satan?
🙏 Prayer:Lord, thank You because You died and rose again. You defeated sin, death, and Satan. I am free.
Friday Mar 29, 2024
Friday Mar 29, 2024
Daily Devotions #89: Giving Our All to Jesus
Scripture: John 19:12
Video: https://youtu.be/6iMfMa1V1h4
For MORE Biblical teachings, please subscribe to the Youtube Channel...
Youtube Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/RusselOcampo
For questions and comments, please email me:
Email: p.russel.ocampo@gmail.comWebsite: https://www.redeemer.world
👨💻 Teaching: 1. Pilate heard that Jesus is King over His Kingdom. 2. Pilate heard that Jesus is the Son of God. 3. Pilate chose his career over Jesus.
💪 Application:1. Treasure Jesus Christ and gain everything. 2. Act according to our belief. 3. Give up temporal gain for eternal gain.
🎙Discussion:Why is treasuring Jesus our eternal gain?
🙏 Prayer:Heavenly Father, just like the Apostle Paul, I affirm that to live is Christ and to die is gain. Please help me to give up temporal gain and worldly comfort in order to gain eternal treasures. It is my deepest desire to treasure Jesus above all - more than my life, time, strength, skills, money and everything I have for Your glory and honor. I know that a person is not a fool to give what he cannot keep in order to gain what he cannot lose. I give my all to You. So help me God! I pray this in Jesus’ name, amen.
Friday Mar 29, 2024
Friday Mar 29, 2024
Special Lenten Devotion #3: The Seven Last Words
Video: https://youtu.be/mGZQJrrzjGo
For MORE Biblical teachings, please subscribe to the Youtube Channel...
Youtube Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/RusselOcampo
For questions and comments, please email me:
Email: p.russel.ocampo@gmail.comWebsite: https://www.redeemer.world
👨💻 Teaching: Luke 23:34 - “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”Luke 23:43 - “Today you will be with me in paradise.”John 19:26-27 - “Woman [Mary], behold, your son! “Behold [John], your mother!”Matt. 27:46 - “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”John 19:28 - “I thirst.”John 19:30 - “It is finished.”Luke 23:46 - “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.”
💪 Application:Do not measure God’s love with material things. Be humble by being a servant to others.Thank Jesus because God’s wrath has passover you.
🎙Discussion:How can you apply the humility and servanthood of Jesus when He washed His disciples’ feet?
🙏 Prayer:Lord, lead me to Your cross. Let me see how much You suffered for me because of Your love and mercy. Let Your suffering on the cross compel me to serve you with great passion.
Thursday Mar 28, 2024
Thursday Mar 28, 2024
Daily Devotions #88: Always Recommit to Jesus
Scripture: Luke 22:54-62
Video: https://youtu.be/atcUduxBkGs
For MORE Biblical teachings, please subscribe to the Youtube Channel...
Youtube Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/RusselOcampo
For questions and comments, please email me:
Email: p.russel.ocampo@gmail.comWebsite: https://www.redeemer.world
Teaching: 1. Human commitment fails all the time. 2. Self-preservation is a big deception.3. Jesus looks at us with patience and love.
💪 Application:1. Do not make false promises. 2. Preserve our lives through self-denial. 3. Repent and recommit to Jesus.
🎙Discussion:How can we practically deny ourselves daily?
🙏 Prayer:Lord Jesus, forgive me for failing all the time. My commitment fails. My love fails. I am sorry, Lord, because I choose myself over You. From now on, let me deny myself. Empower me to follow You even to the point of death. I commit myself to You, and by God’s grace, will continue to recommit until the end of my life. Thank You, Lord, because I know You will not give up on me. I pray this in Your name—Jesus Christ. Amen!
Thursday Mar 28, 2024
Thursday Mar 28, 2024
Special Lenten Devotion #2: The Servant
Scripture: John 13:1
Video: https://youtu.be/oN2Evt8WWnk
For MORE Biblical teachings, please subscribe to the Youtube Channel...
Youtube Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/RusselOcampo
For questions and comments, please email me:
Email: p.russel.ocampo@gmail.comWebsite: https://www.redeemer.world
👨💻 Teaching: 1. Jesus loved His disciples to the very end. 2. Jesus washed His disciples feet. 3. Jesus is the Passover Lamb.
💪 Application:1. Do not measure God’s love with material things. 2. Be humble by being a servant to others.3. Thank Jesus because God’s wrath has passover you.
🎙Discussion:How can you apply the humility and servanthood of Jesus when He washed His disciples’ feet?
🙏 Prayer:Lord, make me humble. Let me be a servant to my fellow Christians. Thank You for setting an example that I should follow.
Wednesday Mar 27, 2024
Wednesday Mar 27, 2024
Daily Devotions #87: Jesus Left the Comfort of Heaven
Scripture: Luke 22:42-44
Video: https://youtu.be/PkcD94XrMpQ
For MORE Biblical teachings, please subscribe to the Youtube Channel...
Youtube Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/RusselOcampo
For questions and comments, please email me:
Email: p.russel.ocampo@gmail.comWebsite: https://www.redeemer.world
👨💻 Teaching: 1. Jesus experienced hematohidrosis as He carried the sins of the world.2. Our salvation is free for us but costly for Jesus.3. Jesus’ prayer in Gethsemane is humanity’s greatest prayer.
💪 Application:1. Revisit the Garden of Gethsemane.2. Live worthy of the suffering of Christ.3. Pray the greatest prayer and give up worldly comfort.
🎙Discussion:What comfort are we willing to give up for the glory of God?
🙏 Prayer:Lord Jesus, You left the comfort of heaven and became fully human just to save us. You saw how destitute we are. You saw that we are doomed to eternal separation from God. You carried the burden of my sins and nailed them to the cross so that I may have a new life. So, Lord, empower me to live worthy of Your suffering. Enable me to give up worldly comfort in order to serve You better. From now on, let me pray the greatest prayer: 'Father, not my will, but Your will be done.' Amen!
Wednesday Mar 27, 2024
Wednesday Mar 27, 2024
Special Lenten Devotion #1: The Traitor
Scripture: Matthew 26:14-16
Video: https://youtu.be/7eTEmMbk12c
For MORE Biblical teachings, please subscribe to the Youtube Channel...
Youtube Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/RusselOcampo
For questions and comments, please email me:
Email: p.russel.ocampo@gmail.comWebsite: https://www.redeemer.world
👨💻 Teaching: 1. You can be close to Jesus, yet disconnected. 2. Betrayal is giving up Jesus just to get something else. 3. Loyalty to Jesus is tested by opportunities.
💪 Application:1. Connect to Jesus by submitting to His Lordship. 2. Do not be Judas. 3. Be loyal to Jesus regardless of opportunities.
🎙Discussion:In what way do we betray Jesus?
🙏 Prayer:Lord, I’m sorry. Many times, I turned my back on You. Give me a heart that is loyal to You at all times.
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Daily Devotions #86: Do Not Betray Jesus For the Things of This World
Scripture: Matthew 26:14-16
Video: https://youtu.be/up1MI3QXyqs
For MORE Biblical teachings, please subscribe to the Youtube Channel...
Youtube Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/RusselOcampo
For questions and comments, please email me:
Email: p.russel.ocampo@gmail.comWebsite: https://www.redeemer.world
👨💻 Teaching: 1. The work of Satan is betraying Jesus for the things of this world.2. Judas intended it for evil but God intended it for good. 3. The difference between Judas and Peter is repentance.
💪 Application:1. Do not love the world because betraying Jesus starts with loving the world. 2. Be honest because integrity starts with honesty.3. Be quick to repent and always revisit the cross.
🎙Discussion:How have we betrayed Jesus for the things of this world? And why should we always revisit the cross?
🙏 Prayer:Lord Jesus, forgive me because sometimes I choose the things of this world over You. Forgive me for falling into the temptations of Satan. Forgive me for loving the things of this world—lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. I repent. Your crucified body on the cross tells me the gravity of my sins. At the same time, Your cross tells me how wide, how deep, how enormous Your love is. Thank You Jesus. Let me love You worthy of Your love. I come to You in Your name, amen!
Monday Mar 25, 2024
Monday Mar 25, 2024
Daily Devotions #85: Jesus Loved His Disciples to the Very End
Scripture: John 13:1-20
Video: https://youtu.be/x78sROYfveo
For MORE Biblical teachings, please subscribe to the Youtube Channel...
Youtube Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/RusselOcampo
For questions and comments, please email me:
Email: p.russel.ocampo@gmail.comWebsite: https://www.redeemer.world
👨💻 Teaching: 1. Jesus displays His love to the very end. 2. Jesus cleanses His disciples with His own blood. 3. Jesus is the Servant-Leader worth emulating.
💪 Application:1. Love Jesus because He first loved us. 2. Treasure the cleansing blood of Jesus. 3. Follow Jesus' leadership with humility and servanthood.
🎙Discussion:In what ways can we become servant-leaders like Jesus?
🙏 Prayer:Lord Jesus, thank You for Your sacrificial love. May this Holy Week remind us of how much You loved us to the very end. You demonstrated Your love when You rescued us by suffering and dying on the cross. Thank You for cleansing me through Your most precious blood. Please, give me the power to love You back. Make me a servant-leader just like You. Grant me a humble heart. Help me to be a servant. Let me influence others by being a leader who serves. I pray this in Your name, amen!
Monday Mar 25, 2024
Monday Mar 25, 2024
Season 2.2: Knowing God
Episode 25: The God Who Disciplines | Hebrews 12:6
Video: https://youtu.be/de3Z8M65tJk
For MORE Biblical teachings, please subscribe to the Youtube Channel...
Youtube Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/RusselOcampo
For questions and comments, please email me:
Email: p.russel.ocampo@gmail.comWebsite: https://www.redeemer.world
👨💻 Teaching: 1. God’s discipline is for those He loves. 2. God’s discipline is painful. 3. God’s discipline is for our good.
💪 Application: 1. Avoid living in sin.2. Accept the pain of God’s discipline. 3. Attribute God’s discipline to God’s love.
🎙Discussion:How should you approach God’s discipline?
🙏 Prayer:Lord, forgive me whenever I commit sins against You. Please help me avoid living in sin. When I do, help me to accept the pain of Your discipline knowing that You discipline those You love.
Sunday Mar 24, 2024
Sunday Mar 24, 2024
Daily Devotions #84: God’s Grace in Our Weakest Moment
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 12:9
Video: https://youtu.be/kyG7tt3s00Q
For MORE Biblical teachings, please subscribe to the Youtube Channel...
Youtube Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/RusselOcampo
For questions and comments, please email me:
Email: p.russel.ocampo@gmail.comWebsite: https://www.redeemer.world
👨💻 Teaching: 1. God does not always remove our sufferings. 2. God’s grace is always sufficient.3. God’s power is perfect in our weaknesses.
💪 Application:1. Pray for more of God’s grace to strengthen us. 2. Consider suffering as an opportunity for God’s grace to work in us. 3. Trust the sufficiency of God’s grace.
🎙Discussion:How can we practically apply the sufficiency of God’s grace in our daily walk with God?
🙏 Prayer:Father, I come to You for mercy and more of Your grace. I am weak, and I have many challenges ahead of me. I am afraid of suffering and fear for my future. But I come to You asking for power and strength to carry on. I am not asking You to remove all my problems, but I ask You to carry me through them. Empower me, strengthen me, and be with me. I put my trust in the sufficiency of Your grace. In Jesus’ name, amen!
Saturday Mar 23, 2024
Saturday Mar 23, 2024
Daily Devotions #83: Law of Moses, Grace in Christ
Scripture: John 1:16-17
Video: https://youtu.be/ZjHNhjp3TDU
For MORE Biblical teachings, please subscribe to the Youtube Channel...
Youtube Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/RusselOcampo
For questions and comments, please email me:
Email: p.russel.ocampo@gmail.comWebsite: https://www.redeemer.world
👨💻 Teaching: 1. The law of God through Moses condemns.2. The grace of God through Jesus justifies. 3. The goal of the grace of God is Christ-likeness.
💪 Application:1. Study the law to know who we are.2. Run to grace to be who Jesus is.3. Pursue Christ-likeness.
🎙Discussion:1. What is the connection between law and grace? 2. Why is Christ-likeness the goal of grace?
🙏 Prayer:Heavenly Father, thank You for giving the law, which reveals to me the depth of my sinfulness and my desperate need for salvation. Through the law, You have bound me to disobedience only to set me free by grace through Jesus. Thank You for giving Jesus, through whom Your abundant grace overflows. I run to Jesus to receive mercy and grace. Please, Lord, change me every day to become more like Jesus. Make me holy. Purify me. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen!
Friday Mar 22, 2024
Friday Mar 22, 2024
Daily Devotions #82: Approach God with Confidence in the Great High Priest
Scripture: Hebrews 4:16
Video: https://youtu.be/G22O-rg0MCY
For MORE Biblical teachings, please subscribe to the Youtube Channel...
Youtube Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/RusselOcampo
For questions and comments, please email me:
Email: p.russel.ocampo@gmail.comWebsite: https://www.redeemer.world
👨💻 Teaching: 1. God has given us the right to approach God's throne through the Great High Priest. 2. God's mercy and grace help us in our time of need.3. God's response is based on His goodness, infinite wisdom, and eternal plan.
💪 Application:1. Approach God with confidence.2. Appeal to God's mercy and grace. 3. Accept God's good and perfect plan.
🎙Discussion:As we pray, why should we trust God's goodness, infinite wisdom, and eternal plan?
🙏 Prayer:LORD, You are my Heavenly Father, and I am Your child. I come to Your throne of grace with confidence to receive mercy and grace. Please come to my rescue and help me in my situation. I may not understand what is happening to me right now, but one thing I know is that You are a good and loving God. You control all things according to Your infinite wisdom and eternal plan. Based on this truth, Lord, calm my heart and grant me peace of mind. In the name of Jesus, I pray, amen!
Russel Ocampo is a Bible teacher, vlogger, and theologian. He engages social media to advance the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) of Jesus so that many citizens of the world will become citizens of the Kingdom of God. He believes that all of creation is being reconciled back to God until the world becomes fully restored (Col. 1:20).
Email: p.russel.ocampo@gmail.com